O melhor lado da novos capitulos de x-men 97 detonam na disney plus

O melhor lado da novos capitulos de x-men 97 detonam na disney plus

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X:TAS' thematic resonance and topical exploration has been preserved with the requisite respect and due care

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The series is the first X-Men project from Marvel Studios since they regained the film and television rights to the characters from 20th Century Fox,[29] which DeMayo said added pressure to the series due to the large existing fanbase for the characters and original animated series.[30] Eric and Julia Lewald believed Disney and Marvel Studios fast-tracking the revival was attributed to the success of the original series streaming on Disney+ and the artbook X-Men: The Art and Making of The Animated Series (2020).[31]: 55:47–56:48  X-Men '97 was reported to not be set within Marvel Studios' shared universe, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), since it continues the storylines of the original series,[29][32] which DeMayo later confirmed, saying the series was its own thing;[33] Winderbaum noted the series was designed to work within the continuity of other animated Marvel series released during the original series' run that it crossed over with, and as such, it was not set in the MCU's Sacred Timeline.

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Podemos descobrir qual a verdadeira Jean foi trocada por 1 clone pelo passado da sé especialmenterie (possivelmente durante ESTES eventos da Phoenix Saga ou Dark Phoenix Saga na Season 3). Jean conseguiu escapar e actualmente que regressou, descobre que um clone viveu a sua vida.

's first season, it could still become part of Marvel's cinematic tapestry. There are loose connections to other universes – the MCU or otherwise – in episodes one through three that suggest it might do so, too, if Marvel deems it necessary. However, given X:TAS

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While trying to live up to Xavier's legacy, Magneto has taken to saving humans and mutants alike and refraining from killing anti-mutant militants. Distrustful of him, Cyclops and Jean stay to observe Magneto while Rogue sympathizes with his struggles. When UN forces led by Valerie Cooper arrive at the Institute to arrest Magneto for his past terrorism, he surrenders peacefully, hoping to gain the X-Men and humanity's trust. During his trial at the UN's headquarters, the Friends of Humanity stage an assault on the building. Their leader X-Cutioner attempts to shoot a do-powering radiation blast at Magneto, but Storm takes the hit for him.

It's a three-part series opening that puts Scott and Jean through the emotional wringer. Aside from some wider familial dysfunction that delivers some spicy melodrama to proceedings, though, the rest of the X-Men feel secondary or even disappointingly side lined by the unfolding events.

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